All accepted papers must be registered and presented by one of the authors.
Initial Paper Submission
The contributions in PDF format will be submitted using the EasyChair platform (more details below). In the submission phase, please select the main topics related to your paper, specify the full name of all authors, and include the keywords.
Please send your contributions following the IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings. Author Guidelines can be found at:
For preparing the manuscripts, both Microsoft Word and LaTeX templates can be used, however, only the resulting PDF file must be submitted. Details about the authors must be provided: first name, last name, affiliation, position, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. For papers with multiple authors, the contact person must be indicated.
The working language of CSCS25 is English and will be used for manuscripts, presentations, and discussions. By submitting a contribution to CSCS25, all the authors agree to the Conference Terms.
Review Process
The International Program Committee, potentially assisted by outside referees in limited cases, will review full papers. We will assign three reviewers for each submission. The evaluation will be based on originality, scientific significance, technical soundness, and clarity of presentation.
CSCS25 Proceedings
By submitting a paper, the authors agree that at least one of them will attend the conference to present it. This is a strong condition for a submission to be included in the Proceedings and published.
Accepted papers will be given guidelines for preparing and submitting the final manuscripts after the notification of acceptance.
Final camera-ready papers must be checked for compliance with the Conference Publishing Services (CPS) style using the IEEE PDF eXpress platform, uploaded via their submission page, and the IEEE copyright publishing agreement signed in due time according to the deadline.
Submission types
Specific requirements for each submission type are provided
Invited Sessions and Workshops
We invite researchers, academics, and industry professionals to contribute to the technical program of the conference
1-2 pages
Poster Session
Doctoral Symposium
The topic should showcase ongoing research, preliminary results, methodologies, challenges faced, and potential contributions, as part of the PhD program.
Please select the Doctoral Symposium in the submission process.
Short paper
3-4 pages
Oral presentation
Doctoral Symposium
The topic should clearly present the problem and its significance, outline the research objectives and related topics, summarize existing knowledge, describe the proposed solution methodology, and highlight the expected results, part of the PhD program.
Included in the Proceedings
Please select the Doctoral Symposium in the submission process.
Regular paper
6-8 pages
Oral presentation
Conference Sessions and Workshops
The conference welcomes the submission of original contributions reporting on new directions and approaches or ongoing research projects in Control Systems and Computer Science.
Included in the Proceedings